Higher quality and lower costs thanks to LED

Employees Rudy Raes

Rudy Raes,

Destelbergen, Belgium

Rudy Raes Bloemzaden in Destelbergen is a leading company in the production and sale of young plants (power plugs) from seeds and cuttings, and in the improvement of primroses. In the meantime, Rudy Raes is at the helm and the fourth generation is ready to take charge.

Rudy Raes
Philips lighting is not only a sparring partner, but also a source of information.
- Rudy Raes, Owner Rudy Raes Bloemzaden NV
Rudy Raes

The challenge

Raes strives for a beautiful, full crop of high, uniform quality. That could no longer be achieved with the old lighting (HPS with a light level of 50 µmol/m²/s). Besides plant quality, factors as fire safety, service life, air humidity and the energy consumption are important to Raes.

The right lighting

In January 2016, the decision was made to install GreenPower LED toplighting (65 µmol/m²/s). This top lighting was installed on a surface area of 4,000 m². The lamps give off uniform light distribution and the modules (High Output module DR/W LB) can be switched on and off separately. 

“The uniformity and the quality of our crops have greatly improved. This is how LEDs provide better rooting,’’ according to Raes. Due to the higher light level and the better uniformity of the light, the crop is stronger, fuller and more compact.

Production is at least as important as the quality of the crop. They have increased too thanks to the LEDs. The energy costs have also dropped. ‘’We are very satisfied,’’ says Raes. ‘’We are getting even better results than expected!’’ 

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips is introducing an LED-based toplighting solution for greenhouse growers, easy to install and no need for water cooling systems.

High and uniform quality

High and uniform quality





Young, one-year and multi-year plants from seeds and cuttings


Destelbergen, Belgium


Philips GreenPower LED toplighting


High, uniform quality of the crops, lower energy cosumption and higher production volumes.

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