No flower induction and high energy savings

No flower induction and high energy savings

Eddy Verbeek


Naivasha, Kenya

Founded 76 years ago, Florensis supplies professional growers in Europe, Asia, and North America with young bedding plants propagated from both seed and cuttings.

Since Florensis experienced the benefits of Philips LED lighting in 2010, they are now exploring the possibility of moving to a 100% LED system. 

Bedding plants Florensis
This takes our operations to the next level with over 93% reduction in energy usage and prevention of early flowering
- Eddy Verbeek, General Manager Florensis

The challenge

Florensis Kenya and Philips LED Horti partner UFO Supplies carried out several trials with different LED lighting systems to find one that could be installed in the existing lighting infrastructure and would be less sensitive to energy fluctuations, while providing an optimal lighting spectrum for all of the company’s cuttings and rootings.

The right lighting

The existing 150 Watt incandescent bulbs were replaced with the 11 Watt Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamps 2.0 for a 93% reduction in energy usage. This is significant for Florensis Kenya because energy costs are very high here. Since the GreenPower lamps have regular fittings, there was no need to change anything in the lighting set-up. The entire system is electronically controlled, making it far less sensitive to voltage fluctuations, so it has a longer lifetime and performs more consistently.

Thanks to using the flowering lamp, Florensis Kenya has seen improvement in preventing early flowering. They have gained more control over their entire lighting system and further reduced their impact on the environment.

"For us, LED just keeps opening new opportunities to improve’’, says Eddy Verbeek, General Manager of Florensis.

Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamp

Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamp

The flowering lamp is the alternative for extending day length for plants that are sensitive to the photoperiod.

Higher success rate of rootings

Higher success rate of rootings



Rooted cuttings of bedding plants, Pelargoniums, Poinsettias, and Chrysanthemum mother stock

Naivasha, Kenya

Philips GreenPower LED flowering lamp 2.0

No flower induction, more uniform cuttings, higher succes rate of rootings, and further energy savings

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