Leading the way with LED lighting

Leading the way with LED lighting

Iwasaki Bros., Inc.

Oregon, USA

Iwasaki Bros., Inc. is one of the largest wholesale ornamental growers in the northwest United States. 

Continuing the tradition of a business started in 1906 by his grandfather, the current owner and general manager of Iwasaki Bros., Inc., Jim Iwasaki, is always seeking ways to improve his business, which is why he decided to replace his HPS fixtures with LED lighting

A night and day difference in these plants
… a night and day difference
in these plants
- Kathleen Baughman, Operation Manager            
The challenge

The challenge

Like many growers, Iwasaki has relied on HPS to provide the supplemental light needed for the growth of their light-loving crops. However, HPS fixtures consume considerable energy and the costs to operate the HPS lights cut into company profits when compared to LEDs, which is why Iwasaki began exploring LEDs as a lighting alternative.

Capitalizing on LED technology

By switching to Philips LED toplighting, Iwasaki Bros. not only significantly reduced their energy costs but also experienced money-saving improvements in crop growth including: 

  • Faster rooting by 5-7 days
  • Roots grew faster than the tops
  • Reduced pre-transplant and post-transplant loss
Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting opens up new opportunities for greenhouse growers to drive growth of bedding plants, perennial plants, potted plants as well as high-wire tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, and leafy greens, lettuces and herbs.

Accelerate rooting and improve speed of growth with LEDs


The team

Iwasaki Bros., Inc.


Fred C. Gloeckner

Certified Horti Partner

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